Does channel design matter?


I Love YTtalk
What are your thoughts on this, does channel design matter when it comes to having a successful YouTube channel? Is it that imperative to someone's success? Is having a custom look important to you yourself? Share your thoughts and ideas with us :)

Personally I think it does matter, it is similar to how some people like about websites with things like "content first is most important and site design isnt", whilst it is partially true with saying content is first and foremost the most important many people simply wont take into account the importance of good channel or web design.

For example, Myspace is a place where people socialise online and allows a way for you to contact people, friends etc, if Myspace looked like this today compared to what else is out there now like Facebook:

Would you still be dying to get on it? Would you tell your friends about it? Would it really appeal to you in this day and age? If it had some great articles behind that page would you even try and check them out?

I know I would leave immediately and having an attractive channel I believe brings people back more.

What are your thoughts on the importance of YouTube channel design?
I would rather see a channel with it, but it pisses me off when people put like B3st CL4n EVAR?!"?!?!!!! im always like O_0 Y U NO BE SERIOUS?
It does something that looks like crap isnt appealing to anyone and you should make some effort to look good because it will look like you dont care
It helps but its definitely not necessary to have a good looking channel. The channel should represent the content. Sometimes it works well for a user to have a 'bad' looking channel as strange as that may seem.
It depends on each user.
It helps but its definitely not necessary to have a good looking channel. The channel should represent the content. Sometimes it works well for a user to have a 'bad' looking channel as strange as that may seem.
It depends on each user.

That's another way of thinking about it and is true because you can be successful without it. When it comes to the web it tends to be best if you can mix both of them together, good content and presentation, it could be like me applying for a job doing something where I should look smart say as a waiter, I am fully qualified and better than the current staff but look like I had just jumped out of a wheelie bin. They probably wouldn't bother with me based on looks/appearance and I think the same applies though of course it isnt the be all and end all with a YouTube channel.
I think it does matter to have a personal background. It shows your intent to produce videos and adds a touch of professionalism to your channel. How many of you quickly leave a channel cos its poorly laid out or just basic colours. Where as if it has a background associated with the theme of the videos your gonna stick on it awhile
I think it does matter to have a personal background. It shows your intent to produce videos and adds a touch of professionalism to your channel. How many of you quickly leave a channel cos its poorly laid out or just basic colours. Where as if it has a background associated with the theme of the videos your gonna stick on it awhile
I do that all the time, if the person doesn't even have an avatar I don't take them seriously, let alone a default or poor layout