Do I Neeeeed To Be With A Network?

Needing a network is like needing another hole in your head. I do not understand what benefits you actually get other than saying "hey i'm in a network"

For some it's features they can't afford like Epoxy, Tubebuddy, etc. Or music that helps enhance there videos Epidemic Sound, Audio Micro, Etc. Or they don't want to wait for the $100.00 dollar adsense thresh :) However, if you are going to give someone a chunk of your earnings they better have a decent deal in my opinion anything less then 70/30 isn't fair. I say 70/30 because if you're a small channel I understand the concept of growing and earning more as you grow, though not all networks are like that. I hope that helps explain it :)
I am currently with Freedom, but I am not really sure how it benefits me honestly.
I have a gaming channel, and I thought back when I joined Freedom that gaming channels needed to be with a network for extra protection or something. But It doesn't really seem to do much other than take a cut of what my channel earn, music, and a forum sort of like this one but more spammy.
I was wondering if I even should be with a network right now, or if I should is there a better option than freedom that also doesn't have a lock in contract?

I don't understand the need for a network.
What do you need protection from? What does the network provide?

You have a relatively small channel.
If I were you, I'd promote the s..t out of my channel to get some eyeballs on my videos. I don't think any network can do as much for your channel as you can.
I don't understand the need for a network.
What do you need protection from? What does the network provide?

You have a relatively small channel.
If I were you, I'd promote the s..t out of my channel to get some eyeballs on my videos. I don't think any network can do as much for your channel as you can.
Yeah I really would like to put more work into promoting my channel and being more consistant. This semester just has been ruff for me time wise. Hopefully once this semester is done I will be able to get on things better :)
I am pretty sure networks are suppose to help with copy right issues and what not if need be. But I really try and avoid that issue all together as best I can anyways.
Needing a network is like needing another hole in your head. I do not understand what benefits you actually get other than saying "hey i'm in a network"

Took the words out of my mouth, why in the world would anyone want to join a MCN? After Google takes its cut, the network takes its cut and you get your contractual slice of a slice of the pie you worked so hard for.

And for what exactly?

Royalty free music? You can get these sound bits anywhere, even YT's creator studio offers sound bytes, themes, songs, intro music and much more not to mention you can always ask an artist on YT to hook you up (which is what I've seen a lot of people doing, especially in the techno and dubstep genres).

Advice? Come to this forum, you'll get more advice than you can handle. In addition to a vast community, remember YouTube alone is a network of its own, and you're already a member!

Higher CPMs? You wish, not only do they fluff about "getting advertisers" and skeem off the top but the whole notion of signing advertisers specifically for your videos is a complete joke. YouTube's own creator blog and Google Hangouts groups laugh at this.

Tracking your performance? Hello! We have Analytics! Creator Studio is better than ever.

Payouts under $100? Well if you expect to only earn $99 or less, you shouldn't really be networked to begin with. The only reason you probably are is because you took the bait to this pyramid chain and the reason you aren't earning is because you're practically giving it all away.

Customization features? YT now naturally gifts you the ability to customize your channel in every which way possible. A little Photoshop knowledge can take you a LONG way.

You might read my post and say "wow he is a hater!" Truth be told, many of my pals got burned by networks and many networks attempted to claim my channel by trying to mindfunk me into signing an agreement to give me not only what I already have, but ask me to basically give them my earnings just for the peace of mind that I am a part of a "network". I'm no hater, I'm just a realist, I think networks burn you hardcore. From the complaints I've read about networks on this forum I'd have to say the whole "set it and forget it" network agreements are made solely for the benefit of the network. I hope people realize this before they sign up and whine about how to wiggle out their contract before its too late.

Remember, YouTube alone is a network; and you are a part of it already. Do your thing!
Be very careful joining a network, I've learnt my lessons the hard way. Unless you're a very big YouTuber (500k - 1m+), you're not going to see any real benefits from joining. The royalty free music pitch is a joke. You can easily get royalty free songs at without any sort of contractual obligation.