Did you change your viewing habits after you became a content creator?

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I Love YTtalk
I was just thinking there...

I've always just been one of those that look at what's trending on YouTube or just click on suggested videos on the side/homepage.

I rarely do search on YouTube other than when I need certain tutorials.

What I can say is that...Normal people that don't create doesn't know nor care about videos that are not viral or suggested to them. Which, as we know, big youtubers are suggested more easily... So yea, I watched mostly big youtubers.

Anyways, only now that I do content for youtube that I start looking at smaller channels and think about the effort put into a video.

So did you guys change your youtube viewing habits before and after you start creating for youtube, or did it stay the same? How were you before becoming a content creator?
It changed a lot for me, I still watch some big youtubers for inspiration, but like finding new small youtubers all the time.
I have almost always looked at smaller channels, unless I was searching from something specific and it was only available on huge channels. Honestly most of the big name's annoy me to the point I can't watch one of their videos even if it's something I am dieing to learn. I typically start on about page 5 and go farther back from there.
I became more analytical with the videos I watch, finding new strategies through other videos. As to where I pretty much just watched videos for there comedic value back before I started youtube. It's been a interesting and fun ride i'll have to say!
I follow a lot of the same people that I did before I started, but I think in general my time consuming content has increased as my production has as well. And with that I do sometimes find smaller channels too, and I look at them more analytically and see how they compare to mine. I compare myself some with big youtubers as well but my channel is just for fun so I don't really follow trends or try to market myself to a specific audience.
Yes, in that perspective I changed a LOT! I give smaller channels a chance more because I know how hard it is to actually stand out, and they are totally some underdogs out there! Sometimes I enjoy videos from a smaller channel more than the popular ones, because they actually put a lot more effort in the videos sometimes!
Definitely, since I stared making YouTube videos myself my subscriptions have changed a lot. Althought I still watch the bigger ones, I follow smaller YouTubers and try to find good channels with less subs. I just start seeing how YouTube is full of undiscovered gems.
Really good topic (always are with you lol)

Since i started making videos i tend to watch the other big youtubers less - and thats not because im hating or anything, its just that i spend more of my own spare time making videos theres is never any time now to watch them like i used to - however since becoming a "youtuber" i completely understand how hard it is to make videos! lol hates off to every big or small youtuber making videos! the effort and hard work that goes in is priceless!