
I've Got It
If I use under 30 seconds of songs to show my favorite songs, will I get a strike ? you know like most people do, I was just wondering cause I worked hard and I don't want it to get removed.
I've used several popular songs in a videos even though I knew they were copyrighted.
You wont generally get a "strike" - you will get a very friendly worded email from YouTube saying something to the effect of "..dont worry, your account is not at risk, but, the copyright holder will be showing ads on your video".. and you wont be able to monetize it.
Yah, doesn't matter if it's 3 seconds, 30 seconds, or 30 minutes or even if you cover it up with other noise. If it is less than 20 years old and/or popular, ContentID will find it.
As the other said:
in 99.5% of the cases you will be simply informed that the copy rights owner is monetizing your video and making money out of it (usually you can keep small percentage of this money)
in the other 0.5% you will be given the option - either remove the song either get a strike.
Do you have functional Adsense linked to bank account. Also some copyright owners prefer to keep all the revenue. I will try to find link to the rules later.

Edit: Sorry I think I did mistake with cover songs. With them they usually allow you to keep some of the money:
