Continue YouTube in Worst Case Scenario?

No matter how hard it is, if it's something you enjoy you should do it. Things may be hard at the minute, but it will become easier over time. If you're a busy person and don't have much time, there is no rush to make videos now. You could wait a while until there is a time where you are not so busy. On the other hand, you could just use the spare time that you do have to just get videos created - but do this at your own speed and in your own time.
I'm sorry and no offense to you, but if you say about yourself that your videos kind of suck... Why are you youtubing? That's what you should think about. If you don't have time and / or motivation you should stop. If you still have fun doing it, keep on doing it.
gonna piggyback off a lot of other posts on this thread - do it if u feel that u want to continue and enjoy it. typically good content is only created by yters when they are enjoying making videos and not forcing it. if u dont think its worth it or arent enjoying it, dont force yourself to try and enjoy it
I find it extremely unlikely to succeed if you don't enjoy what you are doing. This is not something related to youtube but life in general.

If you can get a kick out of it, you will develop your production skills and the followers will come. Eventually.

If the link on your profile is to your real account then I see you have already made up your mind. I hope the decision made you happy!
Thanks so much for the advice guys! I now stopped making Clash Royale videos and started making videos on random internet games like Mark and Jack. I find it a lot easier to record and edit now, and there's a lot more variety as well, so major step ahead!