Constructive criticism gone wrong

Courtney Candice

I Love YTtalk
So last night on twitter I got a message from this random person telling me she can’t stand my voice on my videos telling me I need a new mic or Lower my volume, I told her very nicely that I live with grandparents that can’t hear so I’m use to having to talk loud so that might be it, but when I edit my videos it’s really not that loud. She then thanked me for being nice and not getting upset at her.

I will take constructive criticism and make sure I’m not talking to too loud next time, but then she goes on telling me i need a new mic and a new camera, I said to her my equipment I bought is expensive i can’t afford to buy a new camera when my camera already cost 1k and mic cost 400. My equipment is pretty professional and good quality, so there’s nothing wrong with what I got.

She also told me I need to film other places besides my couch and I said have and there’s different backgrounds and I have film all over my house for skits and even outside. It depends on the videos but My storytimes are only filmed on the couch because it would be odd of me to have a colorful backdrop when talking about serious topics like bullying and it’s more personal with audiences like I’m talking one on one with them.

She then started to get really nasty with me demanding I change everything I do in videos and then tells me I don’t have common since my subscribers don’t like me and then said I told her I did something wrong in the editing and I never said that her and then says your problem not mine before I could respond she blocks me. What was weird is she following me and right when she started messaging me all this she stoped following me.

What was the point of her acting like she wants to help me even thanked for being polite and then all of sudden got really mean? I’m all for constructive criticism but the way she didn’t towards the end wasn’t constructive criticism is being rude.

Have guys ever had some act like they’re trying to give you good advice and then all of a sudden they end up being mean?
Wow... I don't get what her problem was. Does she even make her own videos? Not that people who don't can't give constructive criticism, but who is she to tell you that you need better equipment? If you make videos, then you know you build up to the better equipment when you can afford it and you start with what you can. Also, I just clicked on your latest video, and your camera and mic look and sound great! I've never had someone that rude try and offer "help," but I guess the more attention your channel starts to get, the more likely it will happen unfortunately. Just keep doing what you're doing and try to pay people like her no mind. You're doing great!
Wow... I don't get what her problem was. Does she even make her own videos? Not that people who don't can't give constructive criticism, but who is she to tell you that you need better equipment? If you make videos, then you know you build up to the better equipment when you can afford it and you start with what you can. Also, I just clicked on your latest video, and your camera and mic look and sound great! I've never had someone that rude try and offer "help," but I guess the more attention your channel starts to get, the more likely it will happen unfortunately. Just keep doing what you're doing and try to pay people like her no mind. You're doing great!
No she’s not a content creator, I kinda feel the same like how can someone give advice if they never filmed a video before, but I also Like to get a viewers point of view because they’re the ones watching my videos. To be honest I never got complaints like that before maybe once or twice my entire 3 years on YouTube. Some of her advice made me think she didn’t really watch my videos because she would of of seen that there’s a lot skits where I’m outside, in the bedroom, hallway, bathroom filming. I first started out filming my videos on a MacBook, the qulity wasn’t the best but I made it work and then I saved up for better equipment. Nobody ever compalined but then again I have 5k subscribers now so people will randomly go to my channel to dis like it because they see a following.I also told her I couldn’t buy anything new for channel because right now I’m paying for my education and she got nasty over it. I love my channel and I want to grow but I do need put my schooling first because my career depends on it lol
I get people daily giving me 'constructive criticism'. I ignore all of them and do what I want to do / when I want to do it / how I want to do it.
Unfortunately we cant please everyone.
That’s true! I just try to take some of that advice In consideration just in case that is something I need to improve on, but I will still continue to do what I want.
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Yes, I agree, that the more exposure you have the more questionable constructive criticism you'll get. Just know your worth, and plow on, like previous comment astutely noticed, you may indeed grow out of a particular setup over time, but looking at yours I think you are exactly where you're supposed to be- just keep up the good work!
hmm. People watch because they like your energy!! If I had 1% of your energy I'd be dangerous lol. If this person feels so strongly they should be out there making their own content. There are people that 'do' and people that 'think about doing summat'. Hopefully she not upset you.
Yes, I agree, that the more exposure you have the more questionable constructive criticism you'll get. Just know your worth, and plow on, like previous comment astutely noticed, you may indeed grow out of a particular setup over time, but looking at yours I think you are exactly where you're supposed to be- just keep up the good work!
hmm. People watch because they like your energy!! If I had 1% of your energy I'd be dangerous lol. If this person feels so strongly they should be out there making their own content. There are people that 'do' and people that 'think about doing summat'. Hopefully she not upset you.
No she didn’t upset me
The closest thing I could think of was asking Reddit for feedback on a specific video (because I used to be very self conscious about my scripted ones) and instead, this one guy flat out says "I'm not going to critique your video, here's what's wrong with the rest of your channel." He then proceeded to write a page full of why I'm wrong for having one video be a 5 minute test video of my camera, why I can't upload full livestream videos, why I can't have a short parody clip from another video and only gave some slightly helpful feedback about my scripted stuff in general (just telling me to keep uploading to that quality if I want to be consistent; never said what he thought the level of that quality was). I just wanted the one video critiqued and was in the right subreddit, asked the right way, and was very specific about what areas I wanted critiqued and he just blew up about everything I've done wrong with everything but the video I asked about. My channel basically set him off. I still do what I want and didn't really listen to that, just kind of told him what's what nicely and went about my day.

side note: my full streams were getting more views than my hyper edited stuff, and the one clip he hated was getting far more views than anything I was doing at the time... and in general he was wrong on all accounts when he was saying none of what I did would get views or engagement.
She unfollowed you but I guarantee she'll still be watching all your videos lol. Don't bother engaging with people like that after the second back and forth. It's not worth it.

Unless people are paying you, you don't have to justify or explain yourself to anyone. You make videos in your spare time and they get to watch them for FREE. It's one thing to say how your videos could be improved, but it's quite another to be ranting about it. I mean, if she wants to do all that, she should start her own channel.