Commentary Topics/Ideas?


Loving YTtalk
Hey everyone. I obviously post videos on the YouTubes, and part of what I do, is post commentary videos. I just wanted to know if anyone had any interesting topics that would make for an entertaining video. :) Even if it's an example, hopefully it can point me in the right direction for brainstorming some ideas myself. :) Thanks everyone! :D
If you're up for a humorous video, you could try doing a Would You Rather video, which you could do with one or more people. Also, Life Stories are always awesome to see on these kind of videos. Or you could make a video about why you started doing Youtube. You could also try a Chill Commentary which would be you saying random stuff into a mic for however long the gameplay is.
You could do daily commentaries about my channel, that would be fun!

I agree ! xD[DOUBLEPOST=1375845403,1375845346][/DOUBLEPOST]Talk about weird things. like the smallest puppy. check the did you know facts and pick some facts do abit more research make a whole video about them and what you think of it and ask your viewers what they think and give them more info and pics and ect.
Pick a not well known holiday.

Do some history on it, or stories, and such.

This is actually something really good, I suggest you go with this or reviews like me, I've started a weekly top 10 upcoming games. Just to do something different and you can never run out cause you have places like ign, gamestop etc to aid you.