I agree with what you're saying, but you have to realize when you collaborate with someone in a different niche then you will most likely grab the attention of 10% of their viewers. For example I was watching a vlog from a youtuber who does pranks and in one of his vlogs he met up with another vlogger but he doesn't do pranks, his main channel is all about "fun facts". I ended up subscribing to his vlog channel just because of his personality but I didnt subscribe to his main channel just because it wasn't interesting to me.
You make 10% sound like a little, or like it's not worth your time. right now you have 1,820 subs. If you took 10% of my subs right now, wouldn't you be in a better spot? I will gladly take 1% of pewdepie's subs lol Seriously!
10% is huge! You have to realize 10% isn't just that 10%. It's like a virus. Out of that 10% how many will share you on their social media? How many will talk about you to family / friends? 10% is huge.
Let's look at it the way you meant though and let me be extremely literal.
Example: If I have 1,000 subs and Janet has 1,000 subs and a totally different niche and we collab.
If I get 10% of her subs that would be 100 subscribers. but not just 100 subs let's finish the sentence
100 subscribers that I would've NEVER been able to target, see or collect. <<<< that is more than worth the collab alone. I gain 1/10 of my own subs? SCORE
Which brings me to another topic but kind of the same. This is also why big youtubers should collab with smaller youtubers. Smaller youtubers have super loyal followers who want to see them grow and have tons of respect for them. So if they see a huge youtuber reach out and help them, its almost an automatic sub. So even if doing this gets you lets say 50% of their subs? We're talking loyal, quality subs. SCORE
Yeah absolutely, if we're sure that a large enough proportion do speak English then that could justify the collab and that could work. I think we're actually agreeing but getting a bit caught up in the semantics of niche and demographics.
My channel is a tutorials channel and there's a guy on YouTube (direct competitor but smaller channel) who has been constantly reaching out to me, promoting his vids to me via PM, trying to do a collab etc etc. In the end, I just replied to him and asked him "Why are you promoting your videos to me? I do not need to learn this skill. I am already a fully qualified teacher of what you are teaching. I am not your target audience and why would we collab anyway? There is no win-win at all. He never replied lol.
He probably felt intimidated or confused. Me personally? If I truly wanted to make it work with you I would find a way.
We agree for the most part but here is where we differ. You're saying there has to be a guaranteed clear way that the collab will be beneficial to both parties. I disagree with this is all I'm saying.
You do not have to clearly know, I'm saying simply take the risk! You have nothing to lose and everything to gain, even if it is only a little bit, a gain is a gain.
You can literally give me any, any, channel and I will tell you 10 ways we can collab and 10 ways it could potentially be worth it for both parties.
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