Comedy [closed] Shoutouts?

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Mine isn't really a comedy channel but I try to make my videos funny :) If I could have a shoutout that would be awesome!
Hey everybody! I've done one or two shoutouts on my twitter before, but now I'm thinking of doing more! Who needs promoting? In case you didn't know, videos in my channel fall into the YTP comedic editing category. Love comedy, and hoping to discover some great channels!

To build upon shoutouts, I'm always willing to collaborate! If you're anonymous, even better, because I sure am! Comedy, editing, use of music, and YTP style videos are what I've been using in my videos. Maybe some of you have the same type of humor!
I wouldn't mind a shout out.
Lord knows my internet comedy could use a shout out. Got tonnes of views when a facebook comedy page uploaded my video but it trickled down to about 13 subscribers/200 views on my actual youtube page.
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