Gaming CLOSED - Mario Kart 8 Collab (Nintendo Switch)

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I'm actually a smaller youtube channel and currently have a switch with mk8d and a few other games for the system *cough* splatoon2 *cough*
Hey i have Mario Kart 8 Deluxe i would love to record this game with ya i already have a video on my channel about Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. I also added you on discord earlier saw you on another post of yours and been wanting to do more recording with Mario Kart 8 Deluxe xD Can't wait let me know let's do this!

As the title states, I am looking for some YouTuber's to record Mario Kart 8 with and have some fun. I am not fuzzy about subscriber count, so if you have a YouTube channel and own a switch with the game let me know.

My channel:
Hey dude... I'd love to make some mario kart or some other stuff :D I'm looking for people to play switch games with me
Hey dude... I'd love to make some mario kart or some other stuff :D I'm looking for people to play switch games with me

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Thanks :)
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