Vlog Charity Work Series - Need Contributors!

Ewan Wilson

YTtalk Mad

Hello all. So I think we can all agree that 2016 has been has mixed us all about emotionally and physically. Many things have happened and one thing that is happening is an increase in child cancer. Cancer should never be given to anyone, especially Children. Due to this increase I want to create a Charity Work Series where each youtube does challenges and nominates another Youtube who are in the series to do these challenges. Each challenge people can donate to a page created where all money will go towards Cancer Research. This would only work with many contributors and other ideas to raise money. If you consider this idea to be a good thing, then please sign up to this and we shall discuss further ideas. I plan for this to be a New Year series that can go up on Youtube Channels to interact with the community and raise money for Cancer Research.

Many Thanks,
Ewan & Ellie