Can Background Music Cause Video(s) Being Deleted?


I Love YTtalk
If I create a video & upload it onto my YouTube channel and there is music playing in the background, could this be something that could get my video removed by YouTube? Im not talking about me putting music on the video as a backing because its a video of something with no noise, im talking about, I shoot a video of my fish tank and the fish swimming around in it, but I have the music channel playing on the tv and forgot to turn the volume down before recording? Is this still again the rules?
yes, you will still be playing copyrighted music so if youtube recognises the song it will be flagged and likely have restrictions or be deleted
You shouldn't be copyrighted for accidental music in the background, that falls way within fair use since you aren't even purposefully using it.
it's still likely to be picked up and flagged though and is it worth going through the whole rigmarole of disputing the claim for the sake of not using the music?
it's still likely to be picked up and flagged though and is it worth going through the whole rigmarole of disputing the claim for the sake of not using the music?
I doubt it would be flagged. Companies only care if they're losing money and they aren't losing money on music accidentally being played the background of a video. And whether or not it's worth going through the disputing process if worth it is up to the person disputing. Personally I'm willing to go through it because we shouldn't give up our rights to companies placing false claims.
you say that but one of my videos was claimed on for a 30 second clip of a song (that was played in the game by the way) in gat out of hell and that video has 4 views i think 2 of them were me, so im sure youtube must use their own kind of 'shazam' to catch copyrighted music as so to make sure people arent stealing other peoples content. lucky enough the only thing that happened was the video was monetised by the company that hold the rights to the song so it wasnt like i was given a strike but that video will never make them any money off of me, i will dispute it but it would be easier if i didnt have to.