Request Can anyone make me a good "free" banner(s), logo(s), and thumbnail(s) for my gaming video


Active Member
I've been looking around on these forums and struggling to find someone who wouldnt mind working with me for free caust atm i am unable to pay anyone. I'm not asking for anything super fantasy just "simple but effective" <- is good enough for me

I need a new intro, and outro. I want to use songs that i wont get copyrighted like a lot of songs seems to get even when they say "royalty-free" Speak with me on skype (wi1dace) if you want to talk about this more or on YTtalk.

I need it interesting and would fit the gaming channel that i'm going with. I guess in a way that would make see why my YouTube name is MisguidedGaming XD, same for the outro. And if possible I also need to update my logo and channel banner.

You can see my channel to see my content and make one. I really dont have money but I am sure we can compromise.

I have 260 subs on my other youtube account, the one i'm on now is a new one i'm moving to, and maybe a possible shout out? or anything we can discuss.
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