

I've Got It
Hello guys!

Long time reader but don't post much.

Soooooo I kept my channel a secret for a long long time, mostly down to the fact i'm part of a group of friends that are considered 'cool' we all played football for professional teams growing up but i'm a nerdy guy really. I've done computing in college and uni since i left school 5 years ago and my closest friends all did the normal things eg. sports, engineering, construction etc.

To cut a long story short my friend found my channel through a old Instagram account that popped up on his 'people you may know' area. This led me to panic and private everything in fear he would out me and id be the focus of some abuse and non stop jokes.
I've worked hard for my channel and gained over 1k subs with nearly 160,000 views, i don't want to shut my channel down and lose my work but i also don't fancy the non stop abuse that is sure to come my way.

My question to you is what would you do in my shoes?

Thanks a lot! :) Peace x
uhhhh. Are you serious? Do you like what you do? an old friend made you private all your videos? Give me a break dude.
The hell with it. If it's your passion and love. You keep doing it. If people are against you so be it, but don't run from it. You keep growing, keep molding and keep achieving mate. People will understand. Don't let others actions dictate your dreams :)
Take Shia LaBeoufs advice and JUST DO IT! DON'T LET YOUR DREAMS BE DREAMS! I have no idea if I spelled his name right or quoted that right, but it is the truth! Don't let a buly get you down! You need to do what you love and are passionate about! Screw the bullies! That should be a hashtag!! #ScrewTheBullies
Do it man. All the greats suffered bullies. Be one of the greats.

PS. jocks respond to aggression. its the only thing they understand. Don't stand down to him
Soooooo I kept my channel a secret for a long long time, mostly down to the fact i'm part of a group of friends that are considered 'cool'
Ok first of all... You need to stop giving a damn about their judgement .. Ouuuh cool kids, better stop being myself and doing what I enjoy because the cool kids jusrbeonfgreiofnwreoifewb really?

What, they gonna make fun of you for making videos? I myself already been through this whole being called ''weird'' because i was generally more creative and interesting than these copy and paste non individual minded templates of what ''normal '' is, that we seem to be calling human and not sheep.

They do not understand you.
They cannot fathom one that does not fall victim to sheep mentality as they do.

So if this is the situation you're in, don't be having any of that sh!t. Let them make fun of you for making videos as they then proceed to go to the bathroom and take that stupid a** selfie in the mirror with their phone that ''cool kids'' take.

Plague Ephlik