Brutally honest advice? :)

Holy f**k, i didnt even realise you used this forum hahaha your twitter is the funniest s**t

You sir are a boss :)[DOUBLEPOST=1399215107,1399215036][/DOUBLEPOST]Also i would love an honest review from you, be as brutal as you want.

Thank you very much haha :)

I think your running it really well, I'd say continue doing what you're doing, maybe keep picking trending/current news topics for the vloging videos, one of them might randomly get loads of traffic.

In terms of growing your channel, I'd have a think about reasons people share prank videos, some of the ones on your channel really made me cringe and I'm not likely to share a video that made me cringe unless it's unintentionally cringeworthy haha. I've found people tend to prefer feel-good ones or ones with really ridiculous reactions, but I don't generally like prank videos that just make people feel creeped out and uncomfortable, I'd be really careful there! Also, some of the ideas weren't particularly original, I think I've seen very similar pranks before, so that would make people less likely to share them or find them as funny. I know being completely original is almost impossible, but you're a funny guy and if you can add your own twist to pranks and convey the right message/emotion to the viewers, I think you can come up with something more shareable!

Hope that helps a bit!
Oliver :)[DOUBLEPOST=1399219063][/DOUBLEPOST]
Destroy my self-esteem for me please. :bounce:

Hey, I haven't heard about a lot of the games you seem to be playing, I'd recommend for growing your channel to stick to popular new games if you want to catch people's attention.

There's nothing wrong with playing older games, it's just not likely to bring in people from outside of your current fanbase. ie. the people watch the videos would more likely be watching for you than for the game, which if you have a smaller fanbase and want to grow, is not ideal!

I think you could definitely improve your audio quality, a nicer microphone would help a lot and also mixing in more of the audio/music from the games you played. - South Park sounded like you'd just recorded the audio from the speakers and not directly from your pc which drastically decreases quality.

Oliver :)
Thank you very much haha :)

I think your running it really well, I'd say continue doing what you're doing, maybe keep picking trending/current news topics for the vloging videos, one of them might randomly get loads of traffic.

In terms of growing your channel, I'd have a think about reasons people share prank videos, some of the ones on your channel really made me cringe and I'm not likely to share a video that made me cringe unless it's unintentionally cringeworthy haha. I've found people tend to prefer feel-good ones or ones with really ridiculous reactions, but I don't generally like prank videos that just make people feel creeped out and uncomfortable, I'd be really careful there! Also, some of the ideas weren't particularly original, I think I've seen very similar pranks before, so that would make people less likely to share them or find them as funny. I know being completely original is almost impossible, but you're a funny guy and if you can add your own twist to pranks and convey the right message/emotion to the viewers, I think you can come up with something more shareable!

Hope that helps a bit!
Oliver :)

Thanks Man :)

Some of them where aimed to be cringe worthy, but even I was personally not happy with the delivery of them which is why I started to pull away from them. One thing I need to work on is my delivery in the public pranks, so until I improve this I will probably shy away from that content.

Thanks again :)
Thanks Man :)

Some of them where aimed to be cringe worthy, but even I was personally not happy with the delivery of them which is why I started to pull away from them. One thing I need to work on is my delivery in the public pranks, so until I improve this I will probably shy away from that content.

Thanks again :)
No worries, it's a really tricky thing to get right, I've always avoided them for that reason too aha.[DOUBLEPOST=1399219396,1399219320][/DOUBLEPOST]
What? How?
Sorry, I thought the courage the cowardly dog video was from your channel when I clicked through!
Oh no lol
No worries, it's a really tricky thing to get right, I've always avoided them for that reason too aha.[DOUBLEPOST=1399219396,1399219320][/DOUBLEPOST]
Sorry, I thought the courage the cowardly dog video was from your channel when I clicked through!
Thank you very much haha :)

I think your running it really well, I'd say continue doing what you're doing, maybe keep picking trending/current news topics for the vloging videos, one of them might randomly get loads of traffic.

In terms of growing your channel, I'd have a think about reasons people share prank videos, some of the ones on your channel really made me cringe and I'm not likely to share a video that made me cringe unless it's unintentionally cringeworthy haha. I've found people tend to prefer feel-good ones or ones with really ridiculous reactions, but I don't generally like prank videos that just make people feel creeped out and uncomfortable, I'd be really careful there! Also, some of the ideas weren't particularly original, I think I've seen very similar pranks before, so that would make people less likely to share them or find them as funny. I know being completely original is almost impossible, but you're a funny guy and if you can add your own twist to pranks and convey the right message/emotion to the viewers, I think you can come up with something more shareable!

Hope that helps a bit!
Oliver :)[DOUBLEPOST=1399219063][/DOUBLEPOST]

Hey, I haven't heard about a lot of the games you seem to be playing, I'd recommend for growing your channel to stick to popular new games if you want to catch people's attention.

There's nothing wrong with playing older games, it's just not likely to bring in people from outside of your current fanbase. ie. the people watch the videos would more likely be watching for you than for the game, which if you have a smaller fanbase and want to grow, is not ideal!

I think you could definitely improve your audio quality, a nicer microphone would help a lot and also mixing in more of the audio/music from the games you played. - South Park sounded like you'd just recorded the audio from the speakers and not directly from your pc which drastically decreases quality.

Oliver :)
I think you checked out my old channel, but thanks anyways for the feedback. Now I just gotta find newer games to play...
I think you checked out my old channel, but thanks anyways for the feedback. Now I just gotta find newer games to play...
Sorry, the other one has 2 subscribers, my advice would be to convince some of your IRL friends to subscribe, because it will put people that don't know you off from subscribing if you only have 2 :p

It's that thing of, the more subscribers you have, the more people will want to subscribe to you :p