Best Way To Tell My Parents I Do YouTube?

Basically I've been doing YouTube since August of last year, and it's been going great! However, I've been holding back a lot on quality and quantity due to the fact that my parents are unaware of the fact that I make videos. I can rarely record a video, and when I do it has to be rushed because I don't want to risk gettig caught. This has been effecting my channel severel since I post extremely rarely and my subscribers constantly want new videos. It's become pretty evident that my parents need to be aware of my hobby if I want to pursue it seriously.

I'm planning on telling my parents tomorrow, but I'm just wondering if you guys have any advice on specific things I should be telling them to have the best outcome. My parents are overprotective, against things aren't normal (ie YouTube). I want it to go as smoothly as possible without too much screaming. So yep, basically just what are some key things I should use as arguments to help keep my channel alive and not result in me being forced to delete it and being a disappointment to my family.

you will be okay as long as you don't tell them you are a Gaymer
I have the same problem, although I've only been at it a couple of months, I still haven't told my Mum about it, and I'm kinda worried that it'll just get harder the longer I leave it...

However, I've never had the problem of it interfering with my content - as I'm doing A-Levels, I often get home from school early, and my Mum works late, so I get plenty of time to record and upload stuff...
I have the same problem, although I've only been at it a couple of months, I still haven't told my Mum about it, and I'm kinda worried that it'll just get harder the longer I leave it...

However, I've never had the problem of it interfering with my content - as I'm doing A-Levels, I often get home from school early, and my Mum works late, so I get plenty of time to record and upload stuff...

It looks as though you are getting popular and it is conceivable you may get a big hit,and you can bet someone will say ,to your mom or dad ,hey I saw ypur little GJohnny goofing off on the tuoob,so ypu had better think of a way to getting your parents to understand or accept,because it would be a shame to lose a successful channel,jus tell them you could be the white gok wan ,and yu will buy them a retirement home with your riches ...good luck
It looks as though you are getting popular and it is conceivable you may get a big hit,and you can bet someone will say ,to your mom or dad ,hey I saw ypur little GJohnny goofing off on the tuoob,so ypu had better think of a way to getting your parents to understand or accept,because it would be a shame to lose a successful channel,jus tell them you could be the white gok wan ,and yu will buy them a retirement home with your riches ...good luck

I mean I dont know about that. He would have to get huge huge for a parent to know about a gaming channel. Hell, I dont know any parents who even know who pewdiepie is. Tell them when you are ready, its no big deal, just make your decisions in your life. If you act like a kid, they will treat you like a kid and remove you from youtube.
- Ken
"Hey parents. I knocked a girl up on accident and we're going to have a baby."
*hour long freak out*
"Just kidding, I actually just have a YouTube channel."

Sometimes scaring the crap out of them at first might help. :up2:

But on a serious note, show them some of the amazing channels out there dedicated to education, helping people, etc. It might help them take you seriously.
It looks as though you are getting popular and it is conceivable you may get a big hit,and you can bet someone will say ,to your mom or dad ,hey I saw ypur little GJohnny goofing off on the tuoob,so ypu had better think of a way to getting your parents to understand or accept,because it would be a shame to lose a successful channel,jus tell them you could be the white gok wan ,and yu will buy them a retirement home with your riches ...good luck

I wouldn't say I was getting that popular just yet, and as for the white Gok Wan, god no... *shudders* XD

I told them and it went great! They love my vids and are very supportive. Thank you to all who helped me :)

Good to hear it, I just hope my Mum will be as supportive when I tell her...
Just be real with them. It's something you enjoy and apparently other people enjoy it too. If you like doing it then it shouldn't be a problem. I started making videos randomly and my parents didn't really know. When they saw one of my videos my mom loved it but asked me why I did them. I said cause I liked it and it was fun. Never asked me again and if I'm recording, I get left alone:)