Best Way To Tell My Parents I Do YouTube?


Active Member
Basically I've been doing YouTube since August of last year, and it's been going great! However, I've been holding back a lot on quality and quantity due to the fact that my parents are unaware of the fact that I make videos. I can rarely record a video, and when I do it has to be rushed because I don't want to risk gettig caught. This has been effecting my channel severel since I post extremely rarely and my subscribers constantly want new videos. It's become pretty evident that my parents need to be aware of my hobby if I want to pursue it seriously.

I'm planning on telling my parents tomorrow, but I'm just wondering if you guys have any advice on specific things I should be telling them to have the best outcome. My parents are overprotective, against things aren't normal (ie YouTube). I want it to go as smoothly as possible without too much screaming. So yep, basically just what are some key things I should use as arguments to help keep my channel alive and not result in me being forced to delete it and being a disappointment to my family.

Try to talk to them on an adult level. I know when I was a teenager my parents did not want to see me as an adult capable of making my own decisions, but if you're calm and reasonable then hopefully they'll be open to a discussion about it. Tell them that it's something you're really passionate about and make sure that they know that it won't interfere with school work or anything like that. Parents can be tough, but remember that they're trying their best to look out for you and if they aren't happy with it, try to reason with them instead of getting angry. I hope that helps somewhat :S
Tell them that you really enjoy it, and it makes you happy :) And also tell them that no one could stalk you or whatever, because you aren't giving away any personal information (Like address, phone number, etc.). And if they say no, don't yell, and keep trying to persuade them calmly :)
Try to talk to them on an adult level. I know when I was a teenager my parents did not want to see me as an adult capable of making my own decisions, but if you're calm and reasonable then hopefully they'll be open to a discussion about it. Tell them that it's something you're really passionate about and make sure that they know that it won't interfere with school work or anything like that. Parents can be tough, but remember that they're trying their best to look out for you and if they aren't happy with it, try to reason with them instead of getting angry. I hope that helps somewhat :S
Tell them that you really enjoy it, and it makes you happy :) And also tell them that no one could stalk you or whatever, because you aren't giving away any personal information (Like address, phone number, etc.). And if they say no, don't yell, and keep trying to persuade them calmly :)

Thank you both for your help! I'll keep that in mind when talking to them. Still would like more opinions to make
sure I touch on everything that's important so I have the best chance of having a positive outcome :)
Just keep doing what you're doing until you move out for college. I didn't start until college and my parents have no idea about my channel and it also doesn't affect me in any way. If your parents are even half as conservative about online anonymity, this would be a good option since a lot of the older generation don't understand us.
... So yep, basically just what are some key things I should use as arguments to help keep my channel alive and not result in me being forced to delete it and being a disappointment to my family.

I don't think that you have much hope. You knew they would not approve. If they ask to see your channel, they may not be happy about your 'parents' video. I wouldn't recommend telling them straight out but rather trying to warm them up to the idea for a few months.

There is definitely a trust issue. You appear to make bad decisions such as botting your videos for views.

Beat them with a baseball bat that has "I'm in the YouTubez" written on it.
But then record it and send it to worldstar, that will easily get you from 10k subs to 25k at least ;)... But no seriously do not do that, and just calmly say your really good at it, a lot of people clearly like you for your videos and that you make peoples day by doing them. Its a win win.

Good luck

EDIT: hmmm mr racegrooves has a point ^ interesting :eek:... well either way good luck
EDIT 2: Then again, I looked at it, and it looks kind of legit, maybe he got a shout out or something, i'm unsure. It does look pretty "unnatural" though. I'm not here to judge or analyze other peoples statistics though so whatever lol
I'm assuming they specifically told you not to do it? They aren't going to take it well.