Best microphone for recording?

What mic's best?

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And @ previous poster, the at2020 is the exact same mic as the atr2500, just older generation without a headphone jack, volume control and slightly different levels.
I got a blue Yeti about a month ago on amazon for $90. No. Regrets. It has absolutely BEAUTIFUL quality. I can't even compare it to the Turtle Beach I was using beforehand. Also, I'd recommend looking up how to make a pop filter on YouTube. I made mine using a embroidery ring (Cost $1) and a pair of panty hos (hoes? I dunno) which cost about $3-$4. (Though there was an extra pair of'em at home so it was free for me.) And I used a soldering stand from the garage to hold it up. Or you could just make a make-shift stand for the filter by using wire or something. But long-story-short, $90 mic and $1 pop filter = WIN.
Ive been using a Samson C01U usb studio condenser mic which cost me about 80 euro's including popfilter/mount and shockfilter.
Its been working out fine for me and any background noise it picks up like my pc humming i can just remove with audacity.