Being a YouTube Partner - What tax do I fall under?

That is a year.

Networks dont typically help all that much unless you have a larger channel. When it comes to tax they arent involved in taxes. You dont need an Adsense when using them, I would try Adsense first if I were you. What issues are you having signing up to Adsense?
I set it up basicaly, I have adverts on my videos and I have adverts on my websites - but only one is that I wish to put more adverts, while website only carries like 5 or 6. I have Blogger set under another domain.

But I ve seen some "channels" on adsense, and also I know I should choose topics of the adverts according to the content of my videos, but I am not sure how to do it. I just wish there is correct set up of adsense which goes with my content, so people watching my videos are realy interested in the adverts displayed, and I get clicks. But for now I really don't.
I set it up basicaly, I have adverts on my videos and I have adverts on my websites - but only one is that I wish to put more adverts, while website only carries like 5 or 6. I have Blogger set under another domain.

But I ve seen some "channels" on adsense, and also I know I should choose topics of the adverts according to the content of my videos, but I am not sure how to do it. I just wish there is correct set up of adsense which goes with my content, so people watching my videos are realy interested in the adverts displayed, and I get clicks. But for now I really don't.

A network wont help with your website ads at all. I would concentrate on selling ads to buyers directly if your Adsense ad inventory is full and maxed out.

I wouldnt worry about configuring Adsense ads, if your YouTube and Adsense are working together then I would just leave it as is and not worry about any settings. I would only touch the settings when configuring them for your website(s).
I do not even recognise if adsense differentiets the youtube ads from website ads. Im not sure if it has different tabs for yt and for website. Any idea if I could find in this forum some mastermind of adsense and have live chat with the person?
You can check in Adsense where your money is coming from, I cannot remember the exact part to check but there is reports you can check out to view how much has came from YouTube and how much from your website. You could also just use YouTube analytics to check earnings instead of via the Adsense interface. I dont mind helping on the forums if you have any questions, we have loads of helpful people here too who may help out :)