Battle Royal 2014

I'm watching this tonight dangit!.....I missed the other one, it's still in my watch later list :/ which has now piled up to I think around 70......................but I still plan on watching the other one tooooo :p

haha this one is leaps in bounds better in my opinion..the other one just had a louder audience! the swearing is to a minimum in this one so no need to worry too much if people are listening in! but its very violent especially near the end
haha this one is leaps in bounds better in my opinion..the other one just had a louder audience! the swearing is to a minimum in this one so no need to worry too much if people are listening in! but its very violent especially near the end
The kids are in swearing is no matter :D do you do that with the chairs and garbage cans? Crazy!

the only secret behind it is that you have to accept the fact that you're going to age your body after a beating like that! its the only way you can take hits like gotta come to terms with it lol..if you don't then you'll lay there crippled for a bit lol
the only secret behind it is that you have to accept the fact that you're going to age your body after a beating like that! its the only way you can take hits like gotta come to terms with it lol..if you don't then you'll lay there crippled for a bit lol looks so painful....seriously O_O
Great match though :) I thought you know who was going to take it at the end there, until you know who swooped in and won :p looks so painful....seriously O_O
Great match though :) I thought you know who was going to take it at the end there, until you know who swooped in and won :p

haha keepin it spoiler free!! you can't stop you know who!! annd it is painful can't lie there but when people like your awesome self say "great match!" as a person that takes the word "great" very seriously how can we not keep doing this stuff :D
haha keepin it spoiler free!! you can't stop you know who!! annd it is painful can't lie there but when people like your awesome self say "great match!" as a person that takes the word "great" very seriously how can we not keep doing this stuff :D
Hehe I liked when it was like 5 of you guys all at one time hehe. Yeah you guys always seem to know what you're doing. I wish I could be there in person! ...............But then again.....probably not. Because if I was there, I'd be all like 'HEY get yo' HANDS off of Vicboss'..and come running into the ring, jumping on people. It wouldn't be good.