Authenticity! Is it really that important?


Look alive, Sunshine! :bounce:
My name is LightMatter and I'm here to answer an important question and to really get you guys thinking about your content!

What is authenticity?
Firstly, I would like to discuss the subject on what authenticity really is. I mean, we all have heard about this concept, but do we really understand it?

Well, the dictionary describes it as being real, genuine or original. It can also be seen as being true to yourself and the people around you. To describe it a lot better, it would be accurate to say that it is the person who you really are at your core!

The best way I can describe this concept is by asking you who you were as a child? :dummy12: This may seem stupid, but think about it for a second! When you were little, you instinctively knew how to act and respond to most circumstances that came your way. It was natural for you to do certain things and these behaviours grew to be some of your best strengths you have today! Don't agree? Write them down and really do some introspection!

Why do we lose authenticity?
This is the second thought that came to my mind as I was meditating on this subject? Why do we become someone else or act differently than what our gut tells us?


Because somewhere along the line, you made a choice or said something which someone disapproved of and criticised. Consequently, we decide not to do certain things again out of fear of being judged, criticised or rejected. All of us have been there!

Should this stop you from doing what you do?

Definitely not! Think about it this way! There is only one person like you in the whole world and no one else will ever come close to being you! And this brings me to my next question...

Why is it important to be authentic?
Because being who you really are is the best gift you can give to this world, no matter where you are or what you do! I firmly believe that we are here for a reason, that we are chasing our own individual purposes throughout our life, and no one will ever have the honour of chasing the purpose that has been imprinted into you...EVER! :dance:

What's next?
So, to end this off I would like to leave everyone of you with a word of encouragement, regarding who you are and your individual YouTube Channel's!

Creating YouTube videos is hard work and requires a lot of energy to do, and nothing is as tiring as trying to be something that you are not! :sleep: Why bother putting yourself through that when you can inspire and bless others with the gift that is YOU?

From now one, be mindful of yourself! Go do some introspection! Think about yourself and your identity, then you come back in the give the world who you really are!

I promise you that the fruits of your work will be magnificent! :bounce:

Thank you guys for reading this and I hope this inspires you to be, not only a greater YouTuber, but also the best possible YOU that you can be!

And as always,
Keep Living!
Keep Loving!
And keep sharing the LIGHT! :wavespin:

LightMatter, OUT!
This is great! Thanks for the inspirational message. I always liked the saying "put the YOU in YOUtube." In the big sea of content, the only way to really make your channel different is to put your own spin or personality into things.
This is great! Thanks for the inspirational message. I always liked the saying "put the YOU in YOUtube." In the big sea of content, the only way to really make your channel different is to put your own spin or personality into things.
Exactly my point! For me, there's this whole thing of like: "I need to be like this guy/girl on YouTube!" and I want to explode when I hear it! I watch peoples stuff for who THEY are, not pretend to be!

Glad you got something from this! Saw some of your stuff and can really see how you relate to this! Keep up the good work! :bounce::wavespin::giggle:
Exactly my point! For me, there's this whole thing of like: "I need to be like this guy/girl on YouTube!" and I want to explode when I hear it! I watch peoples stuff for who THEY are, not pretend to be!

Glad you got something from this! Saw some of your stuff and can really see how you relate to this! Keep up the good work! :bounce::wavespin::giggle:

Totally agree!

And thank you! I get comments sometimes saying I should be more this or less that (especially on reddit. le sigh), but I just decided screw that, I'm not gonna try and be someone else. No matter what you do, you can't please everyone, so you might as well make yourself happy. :)