So you use it for suggesting you relevant tags etc? Hmm if you also use that, then you might have to do stuff that everyone does to get views. Go with the trend. See what kind of topics people talk about and make it entertaining.

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For me it has´t really taken off yet, but I do see why though, as I have always done the same and people will get bored, when they realise that!
But at the same time, i´m using youtube as a thing to get off my a** and go out and travel! Which is awesome!
So you use it for suggesting you relevant tags etc? Hmm if you also use that, then you might have to do stuff that everyone does to get views.

Like what? I also I have one series that get's really good views (around 70 views per video) however it doesn't actually help grow my channel. Getting as little subscribers as before and as little sharing of my content as before. So I don't really know what could help, as nothing seems to be working. I even tried looking around for possible shoutouts from bigger channels (yet still with a somewhat low sub count, doubt I would get one from someone with 100,000 subscribers plus) on forums, yet I came back with nothing.
I am no Youtube pro by any means(literally just uploaded my first video)!!
But I clicked on your channel and noticed you don't have videos with you in them(face), I think human connection is very important. If you see yourself in someone else you tend to like them. Humans are a bit narcissistic.
You have a lovely voice, and my first instinct was curious of what you looked like.
Just my two cents. :) maybe do some with you in them and let us know how it goes!!
For me it took about 2.5 years before I started to see consistent growth. But it was at that time that I started making content related to trending topics. I think that makes the biggest difference
What is your retention time on average? Suggesting tags, sharing sites, social media seems like ineffective advice to me if the videos themselves don't have high retention rate.
11% seems a bit low. I remember reading 35-45% is the average. Compare the moment for each video where people seem to leave. See if you're doing anything there to specifically drive traffic away like an overly long intro or whatever.

Retention rate and watch time (imo) are the most important factors for having a video succeed. A million dollar marketing budget wont save a movie people don't watch.
Compare the moment for each video where people seem to leave.
Here, a few of my latest videos retention graphs.




