Are Intros Overrated?


I Love YTtalk
Personally I hate it when a video starts with some elaborate graphical intro that takes up the first 30 seconds of the video. Yes it looks very cool and flashy. No I don't want to see it with every video I watch on your channel.

Why is there a big general need to have an intro on your videos? Surely there are other ways to brand them?
its very annoying when the intro is so long and the sounds are still there when the actual content of the video starts.
but when its 2 - 5 secs its ok :)
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Tada! da tad tadadada! lala Tadatata!...

I think any intro in any form is overrated ;)
Personally I think a good intro adds a touch of professionalism. I do Let’s Plays and my intro I simple and only about 8 seconds. I however hate 30 second cinematic intros
I think 8 seconds max for an intro. The only videos I wouldn't do intros for are livestreams and vlogs. However some gaming videos I would prefer to use the games intro for the video intro.
Personally I think a good intro adds a touch of professionalism. I do Let’s Plays and my intro I simple and only about 8 seconds. I however hate 30 second cinematic intros

The way you do it, with an interesting bit in front of the intro, makes it more acceptable. The actual intro is still too long for my taste though. Anything longer than 5 seconds is too long if you ask me.
Mine's 7 seconds but I don't know if it's too much. I introduce the video after the intro plays out, so maybe I'm making it too convoluted...
I don't any intros or whatsoever in my videos.

Why? Because I believe you don't really need them as people like their videos 'short and sweet'.

If you really want to brand your channel. You could make a logo and slap it on the video in the right corner (a bit transparent as well). That way, people will know your channel's brand and so on.