Any YouTubers that could boost my channel?

I have put a lot of effort into my channel and it hasn't really gained much, but i do not want to throw it away as over time i think it can grow. i have about 35 subs and over 800 views combined. My best video has over 30 views, I want to branch out to history videos instead of gaming and wanted to see if any YouTubers are willing to put me under their wing, just looking and can be fine by myself if nobody responds, i know YouTube is about earning your channel and growing it yourself and i will continue to do that. Thank you for reading.
Hey there, I'd love to collab with you for a video. It can be beneficial and interesting for the viewers.
i know YouTube is about earning your channel and growing it yourself
For majority of us it will be a one man battle for a while, collaborations & support from other channels are helpful & a great learning experience. It's good to take the approach of a one man team, this way you won't be relying on others but rather grinding/learning/solving through things on your own, at your own pace.
give me your link i will subscribe

but you have a sub to my friend channel too
All new members should familiarize themselves with the forum rules things like sub for sub or asking others to sub are not allowed.