Voice Acting any one want to be in a youtube gaming/podcast


im going to start a channel. play games and talk about games. have topics to go over like what we like or talk about something that is coming out, im looking to have 4 people including myself. contact me at xzxandrosxzx@hotmail.com or drop me a message here
I'd love to do a podcast. Just hit me up on Skype or Twitter. I'm free at virtually any time.

Skype: ikryptic_hd
Twitter: IamBluelade
Hey man im part of a 3 person gaming channel maybe we could join? If you would have us. Ofcourse id have to speak with the other members about this make sure they are up for it. But it sounds like it could be fun.
We're pretty far along in our planning and we are making videos at the moment and working with our social media we're going live June 5th[DOUBLEPOST=1496037489,1496037442][/DOUBLEPOST]If you are interested email me at xzxandrosxzx@hotmail.com I am looking to have 1 more person