Services Any Graphics work for free!

Hello there. I have a bit of a backlog at the moment, so I will try my best to get round to yours soon, but can't promise anything. I will definitely create your graphics, but cannot be sure when it will be finished. Sorry.
Sorry someone else made me one so i don't need one right now.
But if you have time you could make one for my friend's channel 'randomgames561'.
Could you do me a Banner for my channel art? I would like a black banner with ChriisJohnsonTV in bold white writing possibly in the centre, reply if you can, Thanks
Yeah, sure, sounds cool. You want any effects at all or just the plain text?

I wouldn't mind some sort of overlay so it looks like the chriisJohnsonTV is glowing but other than that I don't mind, it can be plain or you can add some sort of pattern to the background if you like im not fussy :)
I wouldn't mind some sort of overlay so it looks like the chriisJohnsonTV is glowing but other than that I don't mind, it can be plain or you can add some sort of pattern to the background if you like im not fussy :)
This is what I have so far, on PC the banner will be about the size of the text, let me know if you want anything changing :)ScreenHunter_126 Mar. 31 21.11.jpg