Services Any Graphics work for free!

I think that you want in-video programming for the top video feature. This can be found in Youtube -> Video Manager -> Channel Settings -> In-Video Programming.
I see what you're talkin about, but that's not what I really wanted- it's sort of hard to explain- I just needto find the right words for it. :} but thanks anyway
Ok its awesome but can you just get rid of the red blur in the middle and make the eyes like blue static?

Here is what I've got :) I made the static effect on the eyes, but It did not look very good with how I did it :/ So I hope that you are happy with this. I am going to make a speedart of it on my channel when I have the time, so I will link you if you would like to watch it.

True Logic HD.png
Can you make me a matching logo and banner for my YT channel 'dutchiegamesHD' if you have the time?

Thank you.

Hello there. I have a bit of a backlog at the moment, so I will try my best to get round to yours soon, but can't promise anything. I will definitely create your graphics, but cannot be sure when it will be finished. Sorry.