Voice Acting An open position in Voov


Promotion platform for creators just like you
Having posted our very first video, we realized how much we need a voice actor to create much more interesting & diverse content. Furthermore, we are reaching out to this kind of people here in the forums, to see if there's anybody interested on the position.

We're hoping to create channel reviews, more compilation videos, possibly some tutorial / tips video & / or some kind of challenge from time to time. The concept of the channel is to feature & help small creators who deserve much more. If that kind of content is something that interests you, please reach out to us through this thread or a private conversation and we can discuss the topic.

Thanks to everyone who might possibly be interested ;)
Hello, I'd love to audition for this! I'm terribly sorry but for some reason I can't figure out how to message you privately
We're still looking, so if any of you is still interested, do let us know ASAP!
Hey, very new channel with semi experienced voice actor.
More than willing to help out!
Account is new so I can't private message yet but send me your Email or something and we can chat!