
OK, so just a few little observations regarding your channel.

You don't seem to have a common theme running with your videos?. The subject matter is all over the place, and you'll have a hard time attracting people to subscribe to the channel because of that.

Most of the videos are under 1 minute. Thats not attractive to advertisers and when they do serve up ads on the short videos, they are very low CPM as you can see by the stats.

It's early days. You're going to have to put in the time and effort to make it all work for you, as it doesn't happen instantly.

Don't be focused on the money or lack of it. You need to enjoy making quality content, and then watch as the subs start to roll in, and eventually some cash money. The more you put into it, the more you'll get out of it :)
My videos are all over te place, but it's just my life really, I was going to make sub section playlist for each topic like military, kids, animals, would that be a little better?
I believe it only shows up on the front page of AdSense as earned once a month. So check it a few days into February and then you should be able to see it there. Until then it will just say $0.00.
My videos are all over te place, but it's just my life really, I was going to make sub section playlist for each topic like military, kids, animals, would that be a little better?

Yeah it can't hurt. I'd also look into creating custom thumbnails. Everything helps when it comes to presentation.
Now earning works not according to views but as per watch time I guess, you can check that in creator studio in your channel. Last time I watched they were saying earnings depends on watch time. I got 306 views till now in total(still not updated) watch time in average is 1:06 minutes I guess, earning in youtube is $0.2 and adsense is 0 hahaha...