Adsense incorrectly showing 0 earned


I'm just partnered with the normal youtube partnership. A month ago I uploaded the first video on my channel that has ever made more than a tiny amount of money. Whereas most of my videos cap out at 30 or so views, this one randomly exploded and for once I've made a not-completely-insignificant amount from it.

Now, Youtube analytics say that I have $X amount of estimated net earnings. But when I go to adsense, it seems to recognize the number of ad views etc., but says $0 estimated earnings.

Why does adsense not recognize any earnings even though it apparently knows the other ad stats? Are my earnings not supposed to show up in adsense? If not how am I supposed to be paid if not through adsense? Thanks for any help.
YouTube earnings will be added to your AdSense payments page before the 15th of each month, and will included in your payment if your total earnings exceed the payment threshold. Estimated earnings will not be updated to include your YouTube earnings in AdSense.
@RyanH Thanks. I didn't know about the payments page. But, it only says a small amount there. The bulk of the earning was in January, so does that mean the rest of it will show up by February 15 and pay out (if above the threshold) by the end of February?
Analytics in YouTube will always be a day (or a few days) behind, but you can see it (almost) live by going to your AdSense page (

Click on the 'Performance reports' tab at the top then, under 'filters,' select 'Hosted AdSense for Content.'

The total earnings will be a tad high (multiply by .85 to get a more accurate idea), but you'll be able to see them in nearly real time (about a half hour off) and long before they show up on YouTube.
@RyanH Thanks. I didn't know about the payments page. But, it only says a small amount there. The bulk of the earning was in January, so does that mean the rest of it will show up by February 15 and pay out (if above the threshold) by the end of February?
January earnings won't show up until around the 10th or the 15th of February, presumably so they can make sure they're legitimate impressions and clicks.