Adding more tags to a quick growing video?


I've Got It
Is it too "Late" if I add more tags and remove the ones that does work well in my newest video? For example I forgot to add "Totally Accurate Battle Grounds" with Battlegrounds in two words, and multiple people have found my video using that. If I add the tag does that **reset** or change how my video ranks?
And if changing tags without affecting anything can I then add more stuff to the description?
Hi 9000, You can add that phrase as well as long as your still within the 500 charter count. Maybe delete a tag/s that are not performing well if you need to make space for it. Add that phrase somewhere in the description too for best affect. Not in a spammy way. Nothing above will negatively affect your rank/search performance.
Everything that I have heard (from this forum, and other places online, including from YouTube experts) is that you SHOULDN'T update the meta data once the video has gone live (especially if it's a new video that is growing). I could be wrong about this, so anyone more knowledgeable is free to correct me, but the YT algorithm needs data to know where to place you in search results, etc. Changing your metadata (including tags) resets the clock, and you'll start from zero. Perhaps proceed with caution?
Is it too "Late" if I add more tags and remove the ones that does work well in my newest video? For example I forgot to add "Totally Accurate Battle Grounds" with Battlegrounds in two words, and multiple people have found my video using that. If I add the tag does that **reset** or change how my video ranks?
And if changing tags without affecting anything can I then add more stuff to the description?
If your video is doing well you can add more tags to it but don't remove any or anything you may kill the video views. I have done and regret that mistake.
You can modify any video description or tag, well-performing or poor-performing. I spent MONTHS testing this theory and it does not result in any negatives (unless you remove a tag which was previously working well). I tested daily view counts during those months, before and after for about 40-50 vids. You can trust my research. :)
If the video is doing well then there’s no reason to do anything with it, you can add a few tags if you’re not past the 500 limit but if you’re then leave it be don’t delete any tags since your video is doing well.
Hi 9000, You can add that phrase as well as long as your still within the 500 charter count. Maybe delete a tag/s that are not performing well if you need to make space for it. Add that phrase somewhere in the description too for best affect. Not in a spammy way. Nothing above will negatively affect your rank/search performance.
Everything that I have heard (from this forum, and other places online, including from YouTube experts) is that you SHOULDN'T update the meta data once the video has gone live (especially if it's a new video that is growing). I could be wrong about this, so anyone more knowledgeable is free to correct me, but the YT algorithm needs data to know where to place you in search results, etc. Changing your metadata (including tags) resets the clock, and you'll start from zero. Perhaps proceed with caution?
If your video is doing well you can add more tags to it but don't remove any or anything you may kill the video views. I have done and regret that mistake.
Personally I would not touch anything of a video that is performing well. If you change the tags it may upset the algo.
By all means change up poor performing videos.
You can modify any video description or tag, well-performing or poor-performing. I spent MONTHS testing this theory and it does not result in any negatives (unless you remove a tag which was previously working well). I tested daily view counts during those months, before and after for about 40-50 vids. You can trust my research. :)
If the video is doing well then there’s no reason to do anything with it, you can add a few tags if you’re not past the 500 limit but if you’re then leave it be don’t delete any tags since your video is doing well.

Thank you ALL for the replies! I think I will leave the video as it is since it is already at the 500 words mark. I am going to edit older bad performing videos with the tips you guys gave me. Thanks once again for the help, and sorry for the late reply!