A little bit irritated and trying to get off the ground.

It's super normal to get shot down when it comes to posting content that you put your heart and soul into on the world wide web. it's so easy for people to so openly scrutinize it since they get virtually no repercussions on their end. Usually what happens is you are just revealing insecurities in them that makes them get all frustrated and project it back onto you. Your videos are currently in a topic that is very niche man so don't give up just yet as to why it hasn't taken off. I'm sure with more hard work and determination you will find the people that you want to appeal to and things will be awesome :)
I just want to add to this that a lot of people out there are just idiots. I posted a reddit earlier about a verizon store. I had pre ordered a phone and the official release date was the 11th. However samsung the phone manufacturer said they would do everything in their power to get all preorders to customers before the 11th. They also gave the go ahead to all carriers to release the phone asap as soon as the preorders arrived. Well mine arrived today and the store refused to give it to me until the 11th. So I took to twitter and reddit with my complaints, and my twitter rant ended up with the reps agreeing the store had messed up, they gave me my phone, and also released a company wide email telling the stores to release the preorders if they had the product. Good result right? Well on reddit I got down voted like crazy, people telling me they "hate people like me", called me impatient, it was the companies right to keep the phone, blah blah blah. I would assume those who down voted and complained about me are either those who are used to getting trampled over by others and don't know how to stand up for themselves, or incorrectly view me as some entitled person that is whining I don't have my phone. I paid for it, was promised I'd get it as soon as it arrived, but their end of the bargain was not held up until I threw a fit about it. bottom line is, you can not please everyone no matter what you do. As I said before, people are going to put you down even if you are 100% right.