Ok, from my experience, posting your videos to a forum, even if they are 100% relevant and helpful will still make people flag you as spam, ridicule you, dislike your videos, etc. It can definitely be frustrating starting out. It is a losing battle 99% of the time. If you really wanna succeed you just have to push past that. I think this is especially so in a niche genre of coffee. It is all gonna take time. A lot of time for the vast majority of us. I think it is really important to remember the small stuff. I have a gaming channel that is new, and my view count is extremely low. I've been doing a walkthrough series of a game. The last episode I posted about 4 days ago was episode 9. Has been a hectic week and although previously I uploaded a new video daily, I haven't in the last week. I looked at analytics today and saw 2 or 3 viewers had watched my episode 9 video. I was honestly cursing at myself for not having made episode 10, 11, etc, because there is a chance they watched the 9th one, looked for the 10th , and it wasn't there. Possibly lost some views. If your a huge channel 2 views means nothing. For a very small new channel though, those potential 2 views can be everything. The main thing is keep your content consistent, and always look for ways to improve your quality even if you have low views. Share when you can but don't freak out if your not well accepted somewhere. Just keep pushing. To me, having a new channel as well I think that is the most important part. With the amount of videos uploaded daily to youtube, you have to push yourself even if you don't get the views you want. There are thousands of people trying to make their new channel grow big daily, and I'd assume the vast majority give up after a few months when they don't have 1 million subs. Unless you get extremely lucky and have a vid go viral, you have to 100% be in it for the long haul. If your not, you are better off just quitting now. What I have done is given myself a goal. I want to hit X number of viewers by a certain month. If I don't make that, I will take my leave. When I started my gaming channel late jan I had about 10k views from random videos. That was 9 months time to get that many off random crap. I'm now just a bit over 15k. My goal is 50k by June 15th. I'm gonna have to work hard, very hard to get to that number. If I don't reach it I will probably throw in the towel. But in the meantime I'm gonna push forward with everything I got until then.