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30,000 Subscribers

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I started my YouTube Channel in 2013 with a goal to get 15,000 subscribers by the end of 2013. I now have 30,000 YouTube subscribers – thank you to everyone here who checked out my YouTube or watched videos and subscribed!!

Through this online video voyage I’ve had fun! My mom has helped and even offered cookies! I’ve dressed up as a Ninja, blonde Derralina, Cool SEO guy Dario, danced like Jon Travolta, donned an awesome hat as Tin Foil Man, made a silent movie as Charlie Chaplin, starred in my own video game and hypnotized my audience, all while teaching how-to videos of course! And then to celebrate my 30,000 subscribers my wife and children shoved my face in cake for a thank you video! It's been so much fun!
I've seen your vids randomly on youtube and your tips has helped me out a lot before, so thanks for that!
And congrats for 30000 subscribers, that's amazing! (Only 70000 til 100000 lol)
To continue what I said yesterday to someone else! 30k subs. There is 30k people in the world wanting to see everything you do! Just think about what place you had to rent to give a speach (or whatever) to all of them at the same time!!
Thanks everyone! And thank you for the feedback, @Leoooo I love hearing that. And yes, 100000 would be amazing! @Zolba that's a great way to bring it to life! Thanks! @SkampyyGaming A lot of work goes into any successful channel, optimizing your channel and videos, there's a lot of good information around these forums to help with that too! Good luck!
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