youtube banner

  1. LB Designs

    Just Hit 50 Subs! Free Banner Giveaway At 100!!!

    Hey guys, so i just hit 50 subscribers and am quite buzzing, ive only been uploading for like 2 months and did not expect to hit it this quick. So i have decided i am not going t do anything for this milestone due to being quite busy with graphics but when i get to 100 i will be doing a free...
  2. LB Designs

    Services FREE BANNERS for the next 2 weeks!!

    I am a fairly new graphics designer and am happy to do any banners and logos all i ask in return is a shout out in a video, here are some examples of my most recent work, thanks!
  3. DuoThief

    Request [FREE] YouTube Channel Art

    So me and my friend have started up this channel yesterday and we need to get the basic requirements so our channel can look more appealing and gain some viewers Reply below if you can possibly make one for us and something you can send us it with. e.g: Skype
  4. Starfox

    Youtube banner and Thumbnail issues

    Hey guys, So I am trying to create a youtube cover banner and I am using the correct dimensions advised when creating the picture in photoshop (2560 x 1440 pixels) but what happens is instead of having my banner show up as the first pic below here It shows up as I do understand that...
  5. DCubed

    Request Looking for Youtube Banner and Outro End Card

    I'm looking to update my Youtube channel and change the Youtube banner picture and perhaps the outro pic at the end of my videos. If you're interested in working on this contact me either on Skype or through Gmail. If you're willing to do this for free., it would be much appreciated, but I am...
  6. AchillestheHunter

    Request Looking for talented photoshop user to make me a banner, icon, intro, and outro

    Hi, I'm AchillestheHunter and I am trying to get professional looking graphics for my channel before I put up videos. I am a gaming channel and am based around world of warcraft and other random games. I am looking for a talented photoshop user to make me a banner, icon, intro, and outro. Will...
  7. OracleGraphics

    Services !Professional High-Quality YouTube Branding Service! (Cheap and Affordable) [Banners, Logo, etc.]

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Who Am I ? Hi there, I'm Michael or you can call me Oracle :) I'm a student and also a freelance designer. I do a bunch of designing in my free time and gain pretty much experienced across years doing graphics. In my free...

    Request Need YouTube banner and outro

    Hey there, I need a banner for my channel. Something similar to my YT avatar with a geometric pattern. Also, I need an outro for my channel. I'm Willing to pay 20$ real and YTtalk money if interested. add me on skype. skype - draksterinbed
  9. SimpleMUFC09

    Channel growing fast need feedback on branding

    Hey guys My channel is growing at a nice rate and I would like feedback in the logo and banner in my channel. Thank you enjoy your day