
  1. DefendersOfThePod

    Workout Rules for Everyone

  2. TopFormFitness

    Other Looking for Fitness YouTuber to Collab with

    I'm looking for another fitness YT channel to produce a collab video with, ether in person or virtually / online. We can each shoot our own portion of a video and send to each other to edit a collab video with both of our content, or we can simply create our own videos that relate to eachothers...
  3. WilJr21

    Vlog Fitness Training Collaboration?

    My channel focuses on self improvement, whether its how I lost 200lbs, how I became more sociable, how to save time or even how Dragon Ball Z taught me about being stronger. I'm looking for a personality to make a video ranging from tips or personal experiences. You don't have to be able to lift...