video gaming

  1. Ikusa

    How to do face cam?

    I use Nvidia Shadowplay, but when I try adding my camera to the top-left in the overlay settings, it bugs out Nvidia Shadowplay, making it impossible to record videos, requiring an uninstall and reinstall of the GeForce Experience driver in order to fix. I do have a video editor (My dad used...
  2. Tyler Reynolds


    I finally made 50 subs, and I'm looking forward to the next 50. I'm hoping to get my first 100 by the end of this year. Does anyone have any tips aside from the obvious ones like making good content finding a nich social media sharing and post on a scheduled? Is there any other tips you guys...
  3. Maxemole

    My Thoughts On Console Upgrading

    I'm sure you have heard of the rumors about new consoles coming. Here are my thoughts on the subject.
  4. Noob Gamer

    Honest Feedback Please

    Hi peeps, Would you be kind enough to check out my channel and let me know your thoughts? - If you like it please subscribe, monitor my videos and provide feedback on those too. If you don't like it, please let me know here to so I can...
  5. Heat Skeekers

    Gaming Looking For Collabs

    Hey I'm HeatSkeekers a new and very small channel. I only have 13 subs and as far as I know all of them are my friends. I'm looking for help in growing my channel and people to collaborate with. My channel is a gaming channel, so far only Cards Against Humanity online, I would like to extend...