twitch gaming

  1. ReMixzGaming

    Gaming Looking for Content Creators

    Hello everyone my name is ReMixz. I'm a live streamer on twitch. I'm looking for anyone that wants to join in a upcoming community with streamers and youtubers. I have a discord made already but I'm going to rework it since it die down throughout the months since I was busy with school. The...
  2. A

    Gaming What 300hrs of sniping looks like in warzone

    Check it out bois you wont regret it ❤
  3. TheSoi2

    Gaming Empty

  4. TheSoi2

    Gaming A Collaboration Community Server

    Hello everyone my name is Soi! I'm a streamer/youtuber trying to look for youtubers/streamers or even just gamers in general who want to collaborate or just have people to play games with. The games people have so far are Minecraft, CSGO, Rainbow, OW, Rocket League and Among Us, Cold War and...
  5. Chaz

    My First Video in a Couple of Years: The Xbox Game Pass Extravaganza!

    Hey guys, I have been on and off Youtube for the past 7 to 8 years at this point. Sometimes life got in the way and sometimes it was my own laziness. Pardon me if the video is a bit rusty and if you have any suggestions feel free to drop them. This video was edited from one of my streams, the...
  6. BadPixel

    Gaming New YouTuber/Streamer Looking for long time friends!

    Hello my name is Jack, or BadPixel71 (twitch and youtube) I'm 25 and from the UK and looking to forge friendships and long time friends (ngl IRL I have none) I am looking for people who are looking to play a wide variety of games, who are committed to their channel on youtube and/or twitch and...
  7. BadPixel

    Gaming Returning YouTuber, now streamer, looking for new friends and people to game with

    Hello my name is Jack, or Pixel I am 25, from the UK, I am a PC gamer, and have been for what seems like a millenia, but it's more like 10 years! I used to make videos in the past on various games, up until about November of last year. I then made the jump to twitch and having a blast, and not...
  8. ParanoiaOrigins

    Gaming YouTuber Looking To Start a Group (Mostly on PlayStation 4!)

    Whats up Yall, I go by Paranoia Origins! I am a PS4 youtuber, mostly due to the fact ps4 is the only system that has a video editing software called "SHAREFactory" so pretty much stuck with it. At the moment I'm currently sitting at 33 subs looking for other YouTuber with a PS4, I had been...
  9. A

    Gaming Collab Youtube/Twitch

    Hi! My names Adam, I’m 18 and like a lot of us I’ve been looking to start a YouTube channel for a while. However I’ve always tried on my own and never with a few friends or other gamers. I would like to get a friend group where we can hang out on discord and mess around on various games and do...
  10. ZabreMMO

    Gaming Looking for Collaborators?!

    Hi, I go by the name Zabre on YouTube. I play PC and PS4 games and would like to gather a group of friends to collaborate with on a weekly basis for footage to edit for youtube. I don't ask for a large requirement, however, I would like to set a few ground rules. 1) I am currently 21 years old...
  11. Couples Crusade

    Need multiplayer games to stream

    So, my girlfriend and I are going to be streaming soon and we mainly want to stream multiplayer games at the moment. We would like to know some good free or cheap games we could get that might be interesting to stream. Eventually, we will stream bigger games of course.
  12. Jenni Nexus

    Live-streaming to help your YouTube channel?

    Who has found use in live-streaming events / let's plays or IRL, in terms of growing your YouTube channel? I have 3K+ subs on YT (woo hoo!) but just nearing 100 on Twitch (my favorite live-streaming site). I tried some others too, like Periscope & Peeks Social (mobile apps - on Peeks you can...
  13. The Nerd Encounter

    Gaming Huge Pixelmon Server(A Minecraft Pokemon Mod)

    Hey fellow Youtube Gamers! I'm from The Nerd Encounter! We have posted here before! We're mainly a fb page with almost 22,000 likes (21900+ now!), but were looking to get into Youtube more! We had the idea to make a Pixelmon server. Which for those of you who don't know, is a minecraft...