
  1. F

    New platform for YouTube Creators?

    Dear fellow YouTubers, I need your help. I'm currently in the design process with a few people, designing this new platform for YouTube Creators mostly. The idea is to help creators in all aspects of being a YouTuber, both creatively, financially, in regards to planning videos, becoming a...
  2. L

    Other Searching for creators who wants to review product

    Hey! Are interested in web design? Do you know what does template, theme, WordPress mean? Don't hesitate to contact me to discuss everything.
  3. NWBroadcasting

    After Effects & other programs

    Hi all! I've been an editor for about 6 years now and a YouTuber for about 7 months. I've always been asked about my editing style for my videos and what programs I use. As I said, I'm new, so I may be doing thumbnails wrong as to I'm not a still designer, but I have a workflow now. Here is...