
  1. DuncanT


    Hey guys, I just uploaded my first "Storytime with Duncan" video! I hope you will watch it :)
  2. MistyEmma


    So, this storytime episode is me telling you about the time a charity scammed me, and tried to get me to regularly donate behind my back. Be careful when giving details to people!
  3. MistyEmma

    I was SCAMMED BY A CHARITY - Storytime.

    So, this storytime episode is me telling you about the time a charity scammed me, and tried to get me to regularly donate behind my back. Be careful when giving details to people!
  4. Ohgoditskeith

    Storytime | I "Blew Up" my Hands With a Firework In Kindergarten |

    Yes! It happened... there was a small firecracker on the rug in kindergarten with two small strings, so I pulled them... then you had to watch the video to find out more :) Jk I hope you get a sec to see the video - its such a crazy story :)
  5. Ohgoditskeith

    Storytime | I "Blew Up" My Hands With A Firework In Kindergarten |

    Yes! It happened... there was a small firecracker on the rug in kindergarten with two small strings, so I pulled them... then you had to watch the video to find out more :) Jk I hope you get a sec to see the video - its such a crazy story :)
  6. AlexandriBryant

    Vlog StoryTime Collab ?

    Hey! I just decided to start my youtube channel again. I want to do a story time or something like that. I was trying to think of something I can do with a male or female. This is what I came up with. Let me know! I'm super Excited!
  7. AbeAdams1

    Is it too early to do a STORYTIME youtube vid?

    I am currently on about 130 subs and want to vary my content on my 'AB VLOGS' channel. I have so many crazy stories to tell about whats happened in my past but don't know if there is some sort of unwritten rule about how many subs you have before you can post a STORYTIME video. All help is...