starting over

  1. Julie Nicole

    Should I start from scratch?

    Hi everyone! I'm currently contemplating abandoning my current channel and creating a new one for a few of reasons. First off, I want to start making more videos focused on engineering, college, and tips for high school. As of now, pretty much all of my videos are about fashion or are vlogs...
  2. MikeSchimm

    Should I Make a New Channel?

    I have been considering making a new channel for a while now. I want to make one that doesn't involve me getting out as much and being able to do more stuff at home. Should I? Any suggestions<?
  3. Niels Cornelissen

    'restarting' on Youtube: good or not?

    Hello everyone! I wanted to have a little discussion about 'starting over' on Youtube. Throughout my years on Youtube I've seen a lot of people quiting their channel to start over on a new one. Just search 'new channel' on youtube and be surprised by the amount of still existing 'dead' channel...