small youtuber channel

  1. Mad_Matt99

    Gaming Looking for other YouTubers (PS4) To make funny moment videos (like Vanoss)

    Looking for people to create content with on Call of Duty Black Ops 4. I want to get involved with funny moments but unfortunately it's hard with my friends trying to do their own thing now. I'm 19 years old and im just trying to have fun as well as put the time and effort into my editing. If...

    why is youtube so racist?

    In my opinion i feel like youtube is one of the most racist social media type of sites to use in 2017. I have never received the amount of racial slurs like i have on youtube. Dang ive received racial slurs ive never even heard before so on the bright side im learning something new?? I dont...
  3. Rolz

    Pushing our limits! - DB XV2 + Added facecam!

    Hey guys, ItsHowWeRolz back with another Xenoverse 2 episode! I've added a facecam to increase the "connection" between myself and my viewers:giggle: (let me know your thoughts) We get thrown into the deep end (again!). HIT is on another level and there's no Goku in sight? Thank you in...