losing subscribers

  1. O

    YouTube Subscribers add one subtract one

    I have 582 subscribers. Each day I get one more and loose one. I was growing by 50 a day then hit this snag of getting one losing one. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks!
  2. Doctor Dano

    Youtube is BROKEN losing subs and views

    Do you guys and gals feel the effect of the new Youtube Policy? In my experience: I have a small channel that grew every couple of days, with one to two subscribers. My views went up with every 2 new videos. Now recently, I lost 6 subs in a couple of days, something that is rare to happen. I...
  3. adams eats

    Lost subs over latest video?

    So yesterday I posted a video that was a little different to my usual recipes that I do.but I lost a couple of subscribers as a result (well I think so). Now I'm worried about making anymore taste test videos again! I've done a few so far and I thought people liked them lol. What do you guys reckon?
  4. Fiasco

    Losing Subscribers. Is it a January thing?

    Hi There, I've just started uploading again after a while off but I seem to be losing subscribers. I was just wondering if people go and clean out their subscriber list at the start of the year. You know whittle it down a bit. Or should I re think my channel strategy.
  5. Scimplify

    Losing subscribers?

    Hello all, I am slowly reaching the 1k subscriber mark, and feel like every subscriber is so precious. But recently, I have lost a few subscribers here and there. Is it some kind of YouTube algorithm thing, where unregistered accounts are automatically removed? Or is it as simple as 'people...
  6. ProjectJamesify

    Aaaaaaaaand my channel is dead again

    Has it ever happened to any of you guys? You're on a roll, perhaps you recently made a reboot, and things are going well! You're gaining views and subs, people are commenting on your videos and you're improving every day. But then all of the sudden, the views stop coming in. And you're no...
  7. Emily Richardson

    Need a Little Constructive Criticism!

    Hello everyone! It's been a long time since I've been on YTTalk and I honestly miss it! A lot of the support I got when I was just starting my channel came from these forums, so I want to get back in to it and hear how everyone's been doing. My channel has been growing steadily since I was...
  8. zaffron

    What are the possible reasons for (-) minus subscribers ?

    i got minus (-) figures in my analytic's "subscribers tab" for some subscriber's locations. YouTube has defined the change in total subscribers: found by subtracting subscribers lost from subscribers gained for the selected date range and region My analytic s figures (image attached), shows...
  9. DaRealApollo

    Stuck at ____ Subscribers

    **BY NO MEANS IS THIS A CRY FOR ATTENTION, JUST A QUESTION TO THE COMMUNITY** So for months, I've been hovering around the 115 subscriber area. I'm not upset about it, I love my subscribers, but it is bothersome to see people like the untalented ZexyZek sit high and mighty at a solid 1.4...