give me advice

  1. Jacquesvh

    I Need Your Feedback

    Hey guys and girls, so I've committed to making Youtube videos for 365 videos. I'm on episode 85 at the moment. I need your help to provide me with some raw feedback. I come from a business background, started my first company at 12 and scaled from there into different industries and markets...
  2. H

    How Do I Increase My Adsense Pay?

    Hello everyone, I am knew to youtube and I was wondering how do I increase my cpc for my youtube channel. Also if you wouldnʻt mind how do I gain more subscribers. But please give me some advice on how to do these things. Thanks.
  3. M


    I'm new on yttalk and I'm trying to grow my channel. I have a small gaming channel that focus' on horror rn, I'm getting a camera and I am going to start doing things like pranks, DIY's, and facecam videos. Right now I need help on what i can improve on, if your reading this I would love if you...
  4. S

    Give me Advice Plz

    Hey im new to youtube and i want advice on what u think about my channel and what i should keep doing or even stop