collaborate gaming

  1. Shehmir Ranwgwala

    Gaming Looking For A Minecraft YouTuber to collab with!

    Hi My name is Shehmir and im looking for some to collab with on YouTube! You Must... Be entertaining Be at least 13 Know how to have Fun Not be a not at Minecraft! :p Just reply with your skype and i will decide on weather you are worthy or not!
  2. Billy Cochrane

    Gaming Looking to collab on any PC game. Details in thread

    Requirements: You need to be atleast 14yrs old with a decent microphone. That's all. Note: I'm 16 and Scottish Just hit me up for collaborations. Willing to play any PC game. »Facebook - halfdeadlyyt »YouTube - halfdeadly »Skype - halfdeadly
  3. jrobbarley

    Gaming Funny moments, gmod & other game collaborations

    Hey guys! Me and my friend have started a youtube channel. Reason being is that when we tend to play games together we end up being absolute clowns! We do have a few videos uploaded at the moment and if you're interested in this please send me a message and i will let you know all the details...