adobe premiere

  1. Dismal Bliss

    Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2017

    Hello everybody, I am testing Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2017. Formerly I used Premiere Elements 13. I must say that I like it already. Although I preferred the old scissor tool over Pro's razor tool, being able to select snippets from the source to be entered into the Timeline, instead of doing all...
  2. Failproductions

    We just started using Adobe Premiere!

    And wow.. its so much better than movie maker! At first I was concerned it would be a huge task to learn.. but it was so simple to learn and now it seems like it's actually EASIER than movie maker was...! Also now we can actually utilize our cameras 4k resolution by posting our videos in 4k...
  3. ProjectJamesify

    YouTube turns my facecam RED?

    Hi guys! It's been a while since I posted here, but I've recently redone my entire setup and I'm back attempting to keep a daily upload schedule for as long as possible. But for my problem, please help! I use Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2015 to beautifully color correct my facecam and after...
  4. AM2PM

    Anyone use a Graphic's tablet?

    I got a Wacom Intuos tablet for Christmas this year and it is really quite wonderful. If you do a lot of work with Photoshop it is a god send. You don't realize how much better it is to do creative things with a pen instead of a mouse. People often say would you draw a picture with a brick? I...
  5. Klaustronix

    Help with audio/video syncing in Adobe Premiere Pro CC

    So I record my microphone with Audacity, and record my gameplay, game audio, and microphone with Nvidia Shadowplay as well. I record my microphone in Shadowplay as well for better syncing, but I need some help in this. So after I adjust the microphone audio with my Shadowplay microphone audio...
  6. LoudMouthZander

    Anyone using OBS to record their game play having the same problem while editing?

    I use OBS to record my game plays and the files are in FLV. The problem is when I convert it to MP4 using a method I found online and try to edit on adobe premiere. The video doesn't seem to be in the correct frame size. There are black bars on the sides and the frame size ratio seems to be off...
  7. Arcanum

    Willing to help people with Adobe Premiere, Basic Questions!

    I exclusively use adobe premiere for all my video editing, and some minor After Effects work. As you can tell with my videos being green screened. If you have a question in regards to premiere feel free to ask. I will attempt to answer them if I know how to.