YouTube Survey 2018 - Share Your Creator Perspectives


I Love YTtalk
So the year on YouTube has been VERY turbulent, up and down for everyone (unless you are unaffected and extremely lucky). It has been a very hectic year for the majority.

Now it is coming to a close feel free to share your perspective, thoughts and feelings as a video creator.

YouTube Creator Survey 2018

1. In a few words(briefly), describe how the past year on YouTube has been for you, or your experience thus far?

2. How do you feel about YouTube, what comes to mind when you think of the platform as a creator and as a viewer?

Creator Perspective:

Viewer Perspective:

3. What do you enjoy or find easy about the platform?

4. What do you dislike or struggle with on the platform?

5. What could YouTube do to make things better?

6. If you have had a positive experience on YouTube this year, what contributed to it?

7. If your experience has been largely negative, what do you feel contributed to them?

Thanks guys! This isn't a paid survey just would be interesting to see peoples replies to it and have a discussion over it etc

@Crown @KatyAdelson @Vicboss @Symph @Kath @videoeditgr @UKHypnotist[DOUBLEPOST=1543769237,1543768847][/DOUBLEPOST]


1. In a few words(briefly), describe how the past year on YouTube has been for you, or your experience thus far?

Hectic, troublesome, not worth the time put in, discouraging

2. How do you feel about YouTube, what comes to mind when you think of the platform as a creator and as a viewer?

Creator Perspective: It has been a really poor experience for myself, I had a channel sort of demonetised and possibly placed into a blacklist as videos that were fine would constantly be confirmed manually as not suitable. I don't believe the process is fair.

Viewer Perspective: The platform I can see is changing, people are using Patreon more and more and other ways to monetise, I don't think people are as trusting as they once were. Content wise I am enjoying videos as I always have done. Nothing has changed there.

3. What do you enjoy or find easy about the platform?

I love watching videos and creating them, the majority of features are handy and simple to use although cannot stand the new creator studio it isn't quite ready for use.

4. What do you dislike or struggle with on the platform?

I dont like the new creator studio much, it has features missing which is to be expect being beta but it is annoying as it keeps showing up. I struggle with understanding demonetisation by the AI and "manual review" team which seems to have no reason or rhyme when approving or disapproving videos.

5. What could YouTube do to make things better?

They need to hire better staff to manually review videos and not cheap labourers who may not understand video content correctly. Spend less time on pointless features and more time on getting it right with creators and advertisers without spoiling the platform as a whole.

6. If you have had a positive experience on YouTube this year, what contributed to it?

I have had some, it isnt all negative, I have loved it as a viewer, peoples videos this year have been so good.

7. If your experience has been largely negative, what do you feel contributed to them?

The AI, the review system. That has spoiled YouTube for me more than anything else.
YouTube Creator Survey 2018

1. In a few words(briefly), describe how the past year on YouTube has been for you, or your experience thus far?
It was pretty much uneventful for me. I flat-lined with growth, but I've been focusing on a lot of other things so I wasn't surprised that happened. At least it didn't start to go backwards! ^^

2. How do you feel about YouTube, what comes to mind when you think of the platform as a creator and as a viewer?

Creator Perspective:
My mind is caught up on the minor details like image quality and lighting, when really viewers just want to watch stuff they can relate to. I think there is a new shift away from high production quality and more towards homemade stuff like in 2010 (i.e. the new YouTube Stories [still beta] is coming out, which would be short clips of your day filmed on your smartphone)

Viewer Perspective:
Folks who post daily (or almost daily) are the ones who are constantly in my inbox lol.

3. What do you enjoy or find easy about the platform?
The process of making a video is fun. I like filming and editing everything, and coming up with the music tracks. ^^

4. What do you dislike or struggle with on the platform?
My content takes too long to make. I couldn't post daily unless I start incorporating a lot of "extra fluff content" that I suspect my current subscribers won't want to watch. It's a bit of a struggle between knowing that I need to post more, but not wanting to compromise content in order to post more.

5. What could YouTube do to make things better?
I think YouTube is moving away from promoting videos that take a long time to make, which is sad, imo... I don't know how they could fix that because people who post daily are way more engaging. I see what they are promoting, it's just a matter of not wanting to jump on the bandwagon, so to speak...

6. If you have had a positive experience on YouTube this year, what contributed to it?
Having rated G videos that I hardly ever speak in helped. I never ran into the demonitization issues that others have ran into this year.

7. If your experience has been largely negative, what do you feel contributed to them?
My only negative experience is realizing that I need to post more but knowing that I probably can't post more without hiring help lol. I feel really fortunate that that's my only gripe... :eek: But I also haven't been working as hard as I could have on my don't know. :/
Offtopic: this @videoeditgr never appeared in my timeline, I found it randomly while reading the post.
Perhaps you should check and for others if they got a notification? Thanks for adding me!

1. In a few words (briefly), describe how the past year on YouTube has been for you, or your experience thus far?

Wondering if I will get terminated for music infringement or inappropriate content. Still do...

2. How do you feel about YouTube, what comes to mind when you think of the platform as a creator and as a viewer?

Creator Perspective:

Good and free place to put your work in public. Hard to play by the rules as those rules change very often.

Viewer Perspective:

OMG! So much product & services promotion! Trust no-one.
They are pushing so much that they will flood from my screen to the desk!

3. What do you enjoy or find easy about the platform?

Uploading, clean fast environment. Bing bang boom, video goes live.

4. What do you dislike or struggle with on the platform?

That it is evolving to another form of social media. Quantity over quality.

5. What could YouTube do to make things better?

Kill monetization and make it by-Advertiser-invite only.

6. If you have had a positive experience on YouTube this year, what contributed to it?

A great database of older videos. Actually showed me test videos back from 2013 for specific gear.

7. If your experience has been largely negative, what do you feel contributed to them?

Many useless videos. Misleading to just push products and services. Gone back to image or text Google search to get my answers.

EDIT: #6 and #7 answers may also considered as a creator's answers.
Old or outdated sources and references are extremely valuable.
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1. In a few words(briefly), describe how the past year on YouTube has been for you, or your experience thus far?
View/Watch time hours took off. I got to establish some rapports with brands and build experience of working with them. I made new friends- Its cool to have new buddies from across the world which is new to me. I learn more about what I don't know than what I do.

2. How do you feel about YouTube, what comes to mind when you think of the platform as a creator and as a viewer?
Creator Perspective:
It's fair! It allows an outlet for creative people! Youtube have you back and look after your IP. I appreciate being able to participate. Youtube provide an amazing platform and opportunity that more people should express gratitude for rather than whining about tiny things.

Viewer Perspective:
I like the new movies thingy. I enjoyed Cobra Kai which I thought would be 99% cheese.

3. What do you enjoy or find easy about the platform?
Easy interface to work with for uploading/managing my videos.

4. What do you dislike or struggle with on the platform?
Some smaller goals/recognition on route to 1000s subs would be encouraging. Some targets/goals/rewards to aim for.

5. What could YouTube do to make things better?
They're already doing it thankfully. They seem to clamping down on the spam like uploads compiled of press kits and computer generated voices that offer no value to the platform and make it harder for genuine original content creators.

6. If you have had a positive experience on YouTube this year, what contributed to it?
Gotta keep trying. Keep improving. Search for new ways to gain inspiration. Evaluate what you are doing and what doesn't work.

7. If your experience has been largely negative, what do you feel contributed to them?