Youtube/Real Life Balance?


Super Poster
Hey everyone,

I've been struggling recently with the balance of working life and tending to my YouTube channel - I find myself at work all day and most of the evening (My work has long hours) and I find I don't tend to have a lot of time for YouTube - Which does upset me to some level. I find on my days off I'm doing housework or running errands and I don't have a lot of time left to make videos and content. I'd rather not make content late at night, as a lot of my channel is singing based, and living in a block of flats means I prefer to keep quiet at night for the neighbors sake.

Does anyone have any tips or tricks on getting a good work/youtube balance and how you deal with getting the right balance?

Thanks <3
I've always found having a schedule helps - I know that on Wednesdays/Thursdays I'll plan videos, begin creating it on Friday and then do the bulk of filming on Saturdays. Just make sure you fit it around work...

Other than that, try splitting things into small tasks you can do whenever you have a spare 5 minutes. I.e. I keep my plans on my phone and work on them during lunch break.

Hope this helps :)
I've always found having a schedule helps - I know that on Wednesdays/Thursdays I'll plan videos, begin creating it on Friday and then do the bulk of filming on Saturdays. Just make sure you fit it around work...

Other than that, try splitting things into small tasks you can do whenever you have a spare 5 minutes. I.e. I keep my plans on my phone and work on them during lunch break.

Hope this helps :)
I love the scheduling idea, as I tried it before - but my work rota isn't the same each week, which really messed it up :( I'll definitely try splitting things down into little chunks though! Thank you!
I've been struggling recently with the balance of working life and tending to my YouTube channel - I find myself at work all day and most of the evening (My work has long hours) and I find I don't tend to have a lot of time for YouTube
I think most of us can relate to that.
I think there are periods in each and everyones lives when there is´nt enough time for Youtube (or any other hobby)
I dont have any tips or tricks but my experience is that it goes up and down. so at some point you will hopefully have more time to do your YT-thing:)
Bulk filming helps us a lot. We reserve Sunday mornings to filming most of our episodes for the week, and then schedule them using the scheduler in the Creator Studio. So the rest of the week is just keeping up with comments and such. A lot of creators get trapped into filming the day of or the day before they upload, and that can create a ton of stress. So I'd see where you have blocks of time where you could film a lot of videos at once, and then schedule them throughout the week or keep them in reserve for busty times.
My schedule constantly changes so I know the pain of trying to follow that along with trying to do Youtube.
I had to sacrifice something in order to finally get more videos and content on my channel and that was my sleep. I'd wake up earlier to film something in the morning. Or I'd stay up later until like 3-4am to film a couple videos at night. After I filmed these I'd take the next week or two to edit them and upload them. I figured less sleep and more coffee would help push me forward as long as the sacrifice was worth it. That or I'm crazy.

Hope that helps. =]
going to school, i have the advantage of being able to record solely on weekends, but recording in the morning by getting up half an hour early after setting everything up ready the night before is a technique i did a few times. bulk recording is a great plan if you have a day off, and doing work and chores in one day keeps those free days truly "free". really, everyone has the time to do something, it's just how important you make it to yourself to do it.
A schedule is a great idea. Like you, my job has different shift patterns. So I always make sure I stick to a rigid schedule based around times I know I'll be finished work and that particular shift won't change. So I know I can definitely film then. I'm also working on trying to get a bit of a back catalogue of videos started for more difficult times when shooting a video is going to be impossible. Maybe when you next have a weeks holiday, spend a couple of those days filming and editing as many videos as you can (good ones though obviously). So you'll have a bunch of videos in your back pocket when you need them. Then once you have a semi regular schedule, try to keep on top and have at least 1 extra video in front. That way you'll never run out of content when times are tough.