YouTube partnership with SocialBlade

I have been partnered with SocialBlade! Their support has been great, (anything's good compared to YouTube partner support). They automatically claimed all of my videos, and the process of switching to them took only 2 weeks I think. They have a great community such as forums and an IRC chat, which helps for making collab videos. I have no complaints about SocialBlade, they are a great network! I was thinking of applying for TGN, but I've heard that they 'lose' payments often, and their support is very bad.
Thank you... A little late though :p . No problem though. By the way, an update on this topic. I am considering moving to Fullscreen now. I have heard that RPM support has a very long delay now (still better than YouTube I guess), as they are accepting almost anyone (apparently there are partners who only upload copyrighted TV shows, I really wonder if they actually look at the channels). Ad pay is worth less when there are people with no views and awful videos in a network, but I have not noticed much impact on my CPM yet. Just the support delays that I've heard of (one week) are enough to make me want to move away. If I have any false copyright claims/problems, a week delay could be a disaster. SocialBlade/RPM are still good for channels who can't get partnered by other networks, so long as you get the 1 year contract. I can't give many details, as I am still partnered with SocialBlade, but my advice is that if you want to be partnered by a network that has pretty good CPM and you want protection from click-bombing, they are great, but consider other options and compare contracts.[DOUBLEPOST=1373316126,1373315872][/DOUBLEPOST]
Please check post dates before bumping ~9 month old threads :/
A reply to your signature: If you aren't partnered yet, I wouldn't partner, as when you're small if someone leaves your videos/channel because of ads, that could have a big impact on your channel, and the spare pence/cent you get when you have few views are not worth partnering for. If you want to be partnered though, use a network, because there are so many complaints of people being banned for their whole life from AdSense because of click-bombing, networks tend to trust you more and give proper support.
A reply to your signature: If you aren't partnered yet, I wouldn't partner, as when you're small if someone leaves your videos/channel because of ads, that could have a big impact on your channel, and the spare pence/cent you get when you have few views are not worth partnering for. If you want to be partnered though, use a network, because there are so many complaints of people being banned for their whole life from AdSense because of click-bombing, networks tend to trust you more and give proper support.

I definitely think the number of people who complain about getting banned from clickbombing is overstated. I was personally on adsense until I was over 1 million views per month, no problems at all.

YouTube doesn't want to ban people who are targeted by others. It is in their best interest to protect them...