(mutters about people who don't know what they are talking about)
All right. There are three types of Partnership.
1) Partner with a network. Obviously not what we're talking about.
2) AdSense Partner (I estimate 95%+ of channels partnered with YouTube are this)
3) Full YouTube partnership.
It is important to note that there are no good, official names to differentiate between #2 and #3, so it is easy to get confused. "Full" and "AdSense" are my terms as they best describe the differences.
AdSense Partners are the majority. They are automatically offered partnership, and can monetize videos. Have access to some features (such as custom thumbnails and unlimited uploading) but not all features. Features are given out based on channel standing and length you've been active.
Full YouTube Partners have access to ALL of the benefits of being a network partner... banner, shows, additional monitization options, etc. They also have a channel manager who is an employee of YouTube to address specific concerns (copyright, etc). In all of these ways, they are similar to a network. They also get invited to training sessions (real life) and other YouTube sponsored events. They can use colab spaces for free around the world, which have software and gear for free as well. How do you become one? Wait for them to contact you. I had a friend contacted years ago when he was small (~1k subs) and is one today... his channel never took off, but he still is years later and gets invites to previously mentioned events. Gaming channels are almost never picked. I am fairly sure that is due to the gray copyright fair use they are under, YT isn't willing to take the risk when they have networks that will take the risk for them.
Bam. Information bomb. Enjoy. If you appreciated this, like the post or throw me some some YT cash or something. And for the love of cake and kittens please try to not spread misinformation... accidentally or otherwise.
Note: technically there is a 4th partner type, where you only monetize a single video... super edge case.